Personal Learning Objectives

Each week, this class is making me understand that I have a lot more understanding of digital technology that I previously thought. Although it is pretty basic, I'm feeling more and more confidence in regards to how and when to use digital technologies. That being said, my personal learning objectives are as follows:

  • Increase my confidence when it comes to using digital tools. I previously stated that I attempted to learning the Adobe Creative Suite and coding language. I believe I gave up too quickly because it was too unfamiliar to me, but now I want to try again, and try harder an see how far I can get. I don't want fear of a new medium to stop me from creating and learning. 

  • I'm also interested in the idea of "tradigital" art. I want to combine my traditional art practices with digital art practices. Not only having them combine in the tradition way of one practice building on the other, but also working in the sense that the two ways have  conversation with each other. (I recently felt like I accomplished this with the Impact25 project). 

  • In addition to this, I want to become proficient in digital painting and art. I really enjoyed that lesson.

  • I'm interested in incorporating scenography as a personal practice as well as a pedagogical tool. As digital technology use increases day after day, I want to figure out how to incorporate it into students lives without overwhelming them, but also taking into account that they have a wealth of knowledge that might not be best served through traditional means. Not everyone is Picasso, and that's alright.

  • I also find the amount of resources for this class really helpful and I think that I want to amass my own personal connection of resources and share it with everyone because I think these resources can be used school wide and doesn't necessarily have to be just for art. I want to foster an interdisciplinary curriculum and I think this is a helpful way to start other teachers down that path. 
