(10.3) Lesson Idea: Stop Motion Animation

Lesson Plan Idea: Material Exploration

Title: How are you feeling today
Activity: Creating a stop motion animation'
#in group/ age: This his works for both a small and large group on students of any age. It. I gut work better with smaller groups when it starts to get to 2D animation so you. Snap pay. Ore one on one attention to each student.
Learning Objective: students will learn that they can represent their ideas and emotions on a digital platforms through creating a 10 sec Stop motion animation story about how they're feeling right now using 3D material
of their choice and stop motion studio.
Materials: 3D material of choice (found objects work best), Stop Motion Studio and any other free software.
Time Alotted: 1-45 minute period

     My lesson plan example is a simple exploratory lessonWith the media because I'm not comfortable with the medium but also, I envision this lesson leading up to a sequence where students begin learning and working in hand drawn 2D animation. I View this as bridging the gap between my growing technological knowledge, and my ever present traditional Knowledge. This sequence allows students to work with sculpture, digital media, and drawing and painting materials. It would also be cool to go from this to digital Drawing and creating a digital flip book of their moving drawings so you can further solidify the idea of a sequence of moving images.


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